Thursday 13 February 2014

How does culture shape our identity

How does culture shape our identity?

In this unit, we're learning "Culture and Identity". So how does culture shape our identity?

First, we try to fit in to the group of people around us, following their cultures. Then, our minds will naturally and eventually think like the culture. Culture also influences our behaviour; It changes our values and belief, and so does our interest and goals changes; It impact how we see the world, how it is right or wrong, what is good or not; It also becomes our traditions, customs- impact our food, holidays... Hence, culture makes us who and what we are- our identity.

  • We try to fit in with the people around us. For example, teenagers try to follow the trend and act cool, so won't get busted.
  • Influences our behaviour. For example, buddhist is always kind to all living things.
  • Values and beliefs. For example, Hong Kong people value education. For example, Catholics value love and believe they'll live happily forever in the heaven if they're good person, something like that.
  • Traditions/ customs/ food/ holidays. For example, places with Chinese culture have Chinese New Year. People in Thailand eat spicy food...
  • Interests/ goals. For example, Indians are told to be business men. A family's culture may be to be a sport player, or a musician.
  • It impacts how we see the world and our ideas of right and wrong. For example, in life, being late is also seen in a lot of different ways- being rude and lazy, being normal, being polite...

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