Tuesday 23 September 2014

Business Cards: Developing Ideas

Business Cards: Developing Ideas

1) Design Specifications:

  • The final digital file will be in a common format such as jpg, png, tiff.
  • the final image resolution should be no less than 300dpi to ensure quality.  
  • final card designs will include a 0.125" bleed on all side
  • It should include my name, email address, phone number, and position in the company.
  • It should have the full name of the company, location of the specific store, and website of the company.
  • Logo will be in the business card.
  • It will have two sides.
  • There should be some sort of space in between each kind of information.

2) Design Ideas:

Back Design:

This is a back design. It is made according to the colours of the logo. It will be based on the shape that is drawn in the draft. Whether or not there will be space in between different colours will be decided once it is chosen. The colours will manly be bright and will be attractive. And given that big surface area, it will really grab attention. (It might be gradient or not).

This is one of my designs for the back of my business card. It has the logo right in the centre, and would work best for circular logos (because they make it look even more balanced, centred). The size of the logo shown is about the ratio of what you are seeing in the image of the draft. It has to be big enough to be clear to see and attractive, it can't be too big or else things would lose proximity. The pro is that it is simple and the logo will be very recognisable because it's only the logo in the whole page. The con is that it might result in too much negative space leading to a plainness. (It might be 3D or it might not).

This is another back design made according to the other green business card on top. It uses lines to create a flow and it looks interesting. The curvy lines would make anything look very friendly. The lines would mainly follow the flow of the logo, works better with logos that are less square or circle-ish, and that are more curvy. The flow is special and would attract and is memorable. However, it would be tough to make this. One main colour (related with the logo and company) will also be chosen, and there will be lighter and deeper parts but using the same colour.

Front Layout:

This is a portrait layout. The logo will lie on the top 2/3 (imaginary) line and the name of the company is going to go below the line. The rest of the information will take up half the page, and the text is going to be centred. The logo will be about the same ratio as on the image above. The logo will be big enough, and you will always see it right on top and pay attention even when you are just looking at the information. However, it should not be used with the "logo in the middle" back design because it will be too repeated with both in the middle and start to be annoying and irritating. It is also because that one looks better horizontally but this is a portrait layout. Another con is that it might grab attention from the information. That doesn't matter much because when you need the info you will sure pay attention to it but it creates an unbalance vertically. Ratio: 20:13

In this layout, the logo will be on the left, and on the right there will be a rectangle with my name (big) and my position. The rectangle will be about the middle (vertically), and all the other information will go below. This is a good layout because it has a very good harmony to it, and everything is well separated on both sides but there is just a unity and balance. It doesn't feel like the card is split in half (unity). It also provides the right amount of white space. Ratio: 21:12

In this layout, the logo with the company name below will be on the top half of the page, then the information will be in the lower half (centred). Those will only take up 1/3 of the page in the centre. The sides will have colours with full opacity, and in the centre there will be colour that is lighter with lower opacity. The colour change will be gradient. Colour not decided yet. It is basically a portrait card in the middle, but a landscape with more colours to make it more attractive and more friendly and gentle (because it is horizontal). The con is that there might be too much white space. Ratio: 20:13


This logo looks very cool. It not really a continuation but there is motion, that the blue things are spinning counterclockwise while the orange ones are spinning clockwise. Motion catches peoples attention. There is also a very nice flow when the curve lines are put together, it has a nice rhythm. It is also round and those are all curvy lines, and rotational symmetrical. The outside circle shapes looks like shooting stars, which kind of hold the meaning of "a chance to make what you wish come true". People think, imagine, and hope for a lot of new and innovative technology so the meaning is good. The middle part kind of look like fans and that's electronics, they are also like water drops which is what you need daily. They are also in a shape of a light bulb which means ideas, smart, invention, intelligence. The middle thing is kind of like the mountain and the very very core of the logo will be the mountain top. And it is means climbing higher and higher, reaching the top. It has SLS in it (the curves in the blue and those kind of straight lines are S in the middle is Land it is a mnemonic device - first letter. Overall a pretty rich and good logo in this situation.

It is not very attracting. Response is friendliness because of the curvy lines, and if looked in an angle it is kind of reflectional symmetrical. But it is also tilted towards the right (forward). The circle outside seems to make the response neutral though. It is also like a shooting star, and it also uses the first letter mnemonic device. Overall not a very good logo in this situation.
This is an obscured smily face so it attracts attention - "tiger behind the bush" our better ancestors are good in connecting shapes. The lines are mainly curvy and its horizontal length is longer than its vertical length, so it is a horizontal rectangle it's inside, these make it friendly. All it shows smily face and means that it improves life and make it easy. A smily face is something concrete, and it uses first letter as a mnemonic device.


The styles are already chosen, simple and thin, and the options are all quite similar, with the same pros and cons, it will be chosen using feedback
Fortheenas 01

Lane Narrow Regular

Opificio Neue

Helvetica Neue light

Avenir light

Myriad Pro

Colour Palette:

The bluish, greenish colour feels digital. Grey feels professional, authority, calm, balance, neutral. Purple means imagination, wise, creativity, royalty, elegance. This I think starts to look girlish, but it is maintaining a digital, pro look. But the purple doesn't give a lot of creativity feel, instead it just look elegant and "pretty" and girlish.

5695D0, E0DFDD, 4CB748
Blue means trust, smart, dependable, strength. Grey feels professional, authority, calm, balance, neutral. Green means, peaceful, natural, growth, trust. The colours look kind of dull overall, but it feels professional, trusted, and peaceful.

5695D0, E0DFDD, F9A21A
This is like the previous one but instead of green, I chose and yellowish orange. It is professional and smart, but the difference is it is more sharp and it looks brighter (happier) than the green which has a little jealous, nasty, unexperienced feeling.

FEC512, 4952A3, 11AE4B
This darker blue is also more violet, giving a more mature and professional feel. Orange means cheerful, energetic, warm. Yellow means happy, fun, optimistic, and caution. But the orange kind of brings it away from that. But the yellowish makes it contrast with the blue more, and looks more sharp and attracting. This green is same as the blue, darker makes it more mature and professional, and less healthy, jealous and unexperienced feel. This has great contrast, feels mature, smart, trust, peaceful yet optimistic, fun feel.

3) Chosen Design:

Back design: Logo in the centre
This is because the logo in the centre without anything makes people focus on the logo more. And a good logo can grab people's attention well. And if the logo is a very recognised one, then people will straight ahead go "Oh! I know which company's business card this is." which is good because even the business card should be easily recognised. The colour one might be attractive but unrecognisable. The line can also be at the back because it is something special, there is novelty.

Front layout: One side info, one side
The third back layout was not good because a portrait text on a horizontal card just doesn't fit, look weird, and caused a lot of white space. Even if the white space was filled in with logos of other text, it would look funny, lack unity and harmony because something on the sides is not going to look good. The portrait design just seem too formal and a little bit dull. This one chosen has a good harmony and has a good balance, and is rich enough yet having enough white space.

Logo: Smily face
This logo is more special meaning attracting more attention and more memory. It is also obscured which attracts even more attention, and it is a face which attracts even more attention. It looks friendly with those curvy lines which is a good message but with the L with angles and straight lines keeping it away from the extreme. All it means is that it improves life and you'll be happy using the products. All the logo designs have a first letter mnemonic device, but this one is more memorable because it is something concrete that represented the company - to use innovative ideas, and smart inventions to improve quality of life. The second one was totally abstract and was very random. The first one was actually pretty good, and it at least have some meaning, but the meaning is very hard to notice of find out. It is also very abstract so if someone don't know the company yet or understand much, they would have no idea what that was.

Size: 20:13
The standard size seems a bit long and the chosen one is close to the golden ratio and it seem more comfortable to look at and there is more balance between the horizontal and the vertical.

Font: Avenir light
They are all quite simple. However, this is just right there, some are over-done and looks awkward (where they cut half of the horizontal line of "t" and "f"...). Helvetica Neue was another choice and they are kind of the same, but Avenir light seems to be fresher. Also Avenir light had all ellipses (even e and c) using the same circle and the same size, while Helvetica Neue had it changed more, which seems to me avenir light looks simpler and better. One thing that looked bad about it is that the kerning was too wide and looking unnatural but that can be adjusted in illustrator.

Colour Palette:
I chose 5695D0, E0DFDD, F9A21A - blue, grey, and yellowish orange. Blue is smart. The grey looks professional, mature, and simple. the orange makes it optimistic and happy, like having a good quality of life. The last one was too bright and looked childish. The first one looked girlish. The second which is like this except for the orange was green also looked more green (eco) and comfortable for the eye, but it contains the jealous and unexperienced feel.

4) Planning Drawing:

  • The mouth of the logo should be orange (something close to red would look more normal), the nose grey, and the eyes blue.
  • The logo at the back side would be in the centre and the size would be a third of the vertical side, square (times itself).
  • About the same logo size would be on the front page on the left place in the middle of the vertical length, and in the middle of the exactly left half side.
  • In the front, there will be a rectangle to contain my name and my position. The whole rectangle will be horizontal, it will be around the middle (vertically) or maybe higher. It will be a bit thick, and it will be as long as about half the length of the card. Inside, the name will be in capital letters on the left side and it will be big. And my position "industrial engineer" will be on the right, and only the first letters will be capitalised, and one word will be on top and the other at the bottom. It will be small.
  • All words should be using the avenir typeface but the font can be any except no oblique.
  • There should be a one line space between each kind of information. Below the rectangle will be the company name, then address, then space, then my email address, then phone number, then space, then the company website.
  • All information won't have like "Phone:", "Address:", stuffs like that.

These are more videos I found to help me through the process of creating my business card:

Sunday 21 September 2014

My Goals

These will mainly be short-term, practical goals.

I have a bunch of short-term goals:

  • To memorise all the elements in the periodic table.
  • Read an English book for at least 35 mins.
  • Take 15 mins to review french stuff.
  • I won't watch TV during dinner.
  • To finish my Math textbook (out of school, HK)
  • Do exercise regularly
  • Practise the piano more
My main goal: I will not be spending more than 45 mins for each subject per day. This is about homework, study time can by added. That will be maximum of 3 hours working with my CIS homework on weekdays. And hopefully, my time with electronics, my laptop especially, will also be decreasing (because it's not good to my eyes, my neck, and my back). I feel like that I have been losing a lot of time because I spend too much of it with my school things, especially homework. I think that I have to be more efficient for my own advantage, my own fun, and even just reviewing or reading or doing sports, not homework. I will use my time for doing homework for each subject daily for an ordinary week and look at the time. Then, I will eventually be subtracting 3 mins in total everyday. I don't want this to fail so I have to do this gradually. When I reach 3hrs, I'll divide it into four equal parts and do it according to the # of subject that have homework, and I think I will end up using less time if I shorten my "longer subject homework". Because some other I probably don't need 1-hour time. If I've successfully done it, and feel comfortable with it, I think I'll shorten it even more (but with the same quality of work). I can also use some focusing methods: no music, rest for 5mins for every 25mins... But I will also be doing the other above goals at the same time because they are short goals that should be accomplished soon, and they all go together - mainly about time.

Monday 8 September 2014


Photo on 19-8-14 at 1.21 PM.jpg

Pendant les vacances, je vais à Dubai avec ma famille.
Nous allons à Dubai en avion.
Nous restons à l’hôtel à côté d’une plage.
L’hotel est très cher mais il y a une belle vue de la plage.
Nous allons toujours à la plage.
Ma soeur joue dans le sable, et mes parents et moi, nous nageons.
Après cinq journées, nous rentrons à Singapore.

J’aime Dubai beaucoup! C’est une ville fantastique par ce que la ville est belle et il y a de grands immeubles.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

I & S: Stereotypes

What Have I Learnt about Stereotypes (Surprised about it)

  • Stereotypes are oversimplified...
  • I have learnt that stereotypes are very harmful because it prevents people from really knowing each other with the thought that "He must behave like this" and "I don't like that behaviour".
  • It limits people's potential. When people are in a group, they have to fit the stereotypes because if they don't they might seem or feel like they're excluded and aren't comfortable. So, most people would try their best to fit into their group and not really being themselves, hiding themselves.
  • It limits people's potential also by using other people. For example, when the PE teacher sees an asian student, he might immediately get the idea that he is poor in sport. Well, he might actually be good in sports but the teacher is lower expectations and not allowing him to play or mentally weakening him by making him feel depressed.
  • We often stereotype our group as a better group and group that we don't belong in as less good groups.
  • Stereotypes can be good. However, all stereotypes are problematic. Once again, if people don't fit that good / bad stereotype, they might feel excluded and lonely and uncomfortable... For example, "Asian students are smart" is a good stereotype. If x is stupid he might feel excluded. And if x's teacher expect him to be smart he would set higher expectations and x might fail them.
  • Stereotypes come from the media, friends, family, personal experiences... Media is a huge part. It includes TV shows, movies, news, reality shows, radio, newspaper...
  • The media can help recover stereotypes by using a variety of actors of different groups as the main character. The media can help recover it by being less picky when they film reality TVs. They can also report more positive news, especially about a certain group that is visualised as bad or is not welcomed.
  • Individuals can unlearn stereotype by trying to make friends with people from different groups. Individuals can help recover stereotypes by also convincing their friends to make friends of different groups and by reminding / warning friends and family not to use stereotypes.
  • Sometimes, we hear only one thing of a person, and we'd use stereotypes and ideas to judge how they are. For example, if I say there's a teenager who would never walk out of his home without a cross across his neck, you might immediately think he's a very religious christian and is a good-two-shoes. However, he could be a rapper when sunglasses and gelled hair with a lose jacket, and a big curvy cross.
  • However, we also shouldn't judge someone by their looks. Using the previous example, the rapper that looks like that doesn't have to mean he's tough, brave, and mean. He can be a kind person that's just trying to look cool (maybe because he has to fit his stereotypes of a rapper).
  • Many subjects can include stereotypes, like L&L having stereotypes in stories, like Drama using stereotypes to tell the audience about the character...

Questions I Still Have about the Topic

I don't really have much questions, but:
  1. How does it differ from prejudice?
  2. What groups are more likely to have stereotypes (I know I shouldn't stereotype that group, just curious)
  3. What groups are more likely to be open-minded and doesn't use as much stereotypes?
  4. When did stereotypes start? Did it start since long ago since the first time two different tribes met?

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Business Card: Inquiring & Analysing

Business Card: Inquiring & Analysing

1. Explain and justify the need for a solution for a problem:

What is this project all about:

This project is about communicating our future identity. It is about our future job and how branding and logo will help us. We want to introduce ourselves to our clients. And my clients will be looking for cool-looking, style, high-quality gadgets and smart-electronics with new ideas packed into it. They are also looking for a big number of functions, and power-efficiency. This project also involves branding as branding allow our clients to recognise us and it tells our client quickly about what we do and what we make.

Here, I'm planning to be a designer for gadgets and phones. I think it's called industrial engineering.

3 Adjectives:

  1. Quality: This is very important because it should be clarified that the products are not cheap products or made out of weak or poisonous materials. This also tells clients a bit that things are not fake, they are functional. It will give the overall feeling that it is safe to use (especially when there are so many cheap and poisonous products manufactured in China nowadays), and that you should trust the products, we want the clients to have confidence in and during using the products.
  2. Innovative: This means having new ideas and new bits of technologies included. It is to make the products more special and to attract consumers that are interested in new things. Like when the first touch-screen iPod came out, although it probably wouldn't be such a big event, but just as an example.
  3. Simple: This is talking about simple designs and looks, because people like things to be simple, human brains like things to be organised and less complicated. It is the style we want our products to have - simplicity. Like Apple is also famous for its simple designs and it's part of the beauty of their products. We want our customers to feel good and easy when they use our products.
My job will mostly be on the "Simple" part, and some "Quality".

The tools:

We should get some websites and video to help us through making the fonts with the tools (mainly Adobe Illustrator and Fontstruct).


This is a short video that teaches the basics of fontstruct. Fontstruct is quite simple and easy and fast.


This is a website which has a whole set of videos for each type of editing in Adobe Illustrator. It's also very organised so it is going to be very easy to find a video.

2. Primary and secondary research:

The concepts:

  1. The Gestalt principles. In the Gestalt principles, there are mainly similarity and dissimilarity, continuation, closure, proximity, and figure and ground. Similarity: When two or more things looks similar or have similar features, our brains tend to link and relate them. Dissimilarity: When something is different than the rest of the group in colour, size, shape, etc., it would stand out more and we will pay attention to it. Continuation: It is usually when a line or lines have a smooth flow, we would see see motion in the picture from one end to the other. Closure: When a space is not completely closed, but the lines (usually) around the space seem to move in or is part of the shape, your brain would close it up automatically. Proximity: When objects are closer together, we tend to group them up. Figure and ground: It's basically how we arrange which part is at the back and which back is in the front.
You would probably group the black squares on the same line as a group and white ones on the same line as another. You might also see black and white lines. It's because black and similar the black and white's similar to white.
Dissimilarity: The yellow guy is going to stand out from the rest because it is different, and different attracts attention. Others are black, the guy is yellow.
Closure: Due to the point where the straight lines stop and the "packman" angle, you will see a white triangle without any lines literally around it. Figure and ground: As the lines of a triangle pointing up is stops at a point, it seems like the lines are partially covered, and that the the upright triangle behind the downwards one.
Proximity: On photo left, you see vertical lines because the squares are vertically closer to each other than horizontally closer to each other. And photo right works exactly the opposite way.
Similarity: This line flow and that it is from large to small makes it seem like it's in motion from close to far.
  1. A is for attention. In order to get attention, there are 3 techniques. Novel stimuli: Something special to grab people's attention. Supernormal stimuli: Things that will attract attention normally, these are passed from our ancestors for survival (bright coloured are poisonous, be aware...) And finally, partially obscured stimuli: People would want to find out what is it about because it is interesting.
  2. R is for response. If you want to show dominance, authority, boldness, and motion, we use angular shapes, vertical lines, and asymmetry. If you want to show friendliness, submissiveness, honesty, and stability, we use round-curvy shapes, horizontal line, and symmetry.
  3. The first M is for meaning. To measure how much meaning there is, we should find out the propositional density. To calculate that we divide the deep propositions by the surface propositions Keep in mind 1: When counting surface proposition, we don't need to count every single feature, what matters is how they're naturally grouped together. 2: Deep propositions highly depend on the person that's looking at the logo, they can vary. 3: We should not brainstorm deep propositions, just naturally think of what's come up to your mind. Neautral shapes like squares should be avoided unless the other features give the logo plenty of emotions.
  4. The second M is for memory. In order to make a logo more memorable, we have to... Von restorff effect (special), mnemonic device (feature name & First letter), and the concreteness effect.
Elements of Graphic Design:
There are type, line, shape, texture, colour, and space.

The other design vocabularies that we knew were:
  • Alignment: How texts and images are lined up.
  • Balance: If all spaces on a surface looks equal to the others, if they have a close amount of stuffs and business.
  • Contrast: How different things differentiate in different elements.
  • Emphasis: How you make something stand out by size, colour, shape...
  • Harmony: If all the elements on a page come together nicely as a whole.
  • Movement: Basically like continuation.
  • Proportion: The relative visual size of an element compared to the other.
  • Repetition: Repeating something, a pattern. For example, same typefaces and sizes for each headline on a newspaper.
  • Rhythm: An effective flow. Elements on a page should seem patterned. For example, a yearbook usually have pages with same layouts, colours, and decorations.
  • Unity: Feeling of a whole
  • White Space: Empty space on a page

Analyse a range of existing products:

The apple logo is surely very simple, just like its products. It doesn't have any bright colour, which is part of why it's so simple. But it doesn't grab as much attention. There is also nothing special nor is there any obstructed shapes. The apple logo has no straight lines and very little sharp corners (only those necessary) making it look friendly. It doesn't specify in any straight of horizontal lines making it look kind of neutral in that perspective. All it is is just a bitten apple, and a leaf. Yet, it has meanings of apple makes you healthy, apple makes you smart, people use the products (bitten), apple is popular... So it's kind of meaningful. It is a feature name, because the company name is "Apple" and the logo is an apple, makes it easier to remember. Also, they have used a concrete thing, an apple, to represent the rest of the meanings and ideas. So I think it's memorable. But I chose it mainly because it's so simple and it connects to simple concepts and products.

Attention: It has a very bright colour, and it has an obstructed face that requires people to think, grabs attention. Response: The lines are mainly curved, plus the circle and the smile, makes it very friendly. However, that little bit of angle, especially the right angle for L/nose gives it back a little authority. There is not much meaning. There isn't much meaning, it is lacking some deep propositions. It is memorable because it uses the First-Letter mnemonic device (LG: Life's Good). The designer tries to tell that products have a good quality, and that it would improve the life of someone. The round face also symbolises the globe and humanity. Everything on the logo is very neat and tidy and for the 3D version there's that glossy feeling which also feels very high quality.

It was hard to find a logo that is "Innovative", it's even hard to think of or imagine one (and it would probably be tough to make one). It's because "innovative" is kind of abstract and hard to show or represent. But I come up with one that best fits my thoughts. This logo has some very bright green. And it is kind of obstructed, when you look at it carefully you see the combination of "S" and "E" in the grey part. There are no straight lines nor sharp corners (accept for the top left of the bottom green part). So it feels very friendly, especially when it uses green which is a calm and peaceful colour. I can't really see any deep propositions though. It is okay memorable because it uses the first-letter mnemonic device. But it isn't that special and it's not very concrete, it's just a name. But in a way it looks very high quality because of the glossiness it gives.

It is hard to find, and obviously hard to make a logo that feels "innovative" because it an abstract thing. But I think it is a very important part of the company - making new things and having new concepts are what we want.
Notice that all of them are san-serif because serif is usually for on paper and san-serif looks more simple and neat.

This font is called Fortheenas 01 from  dafont and I chose it for quality because it is very fine and detailed. And the fineness also makes it simple. The only letter I don't like is the "a". This "a" doesn't look simple enough.  Letters like "r", "h", and "n" tend to have their horizontal lines going upwards and it seems to me not very natural. Otherwise their shapes are quite normal. All the capital letters are made out of simple shapes and lines, symmetrical, and equal, so it looks very tidy and neat and it has a neutral feeling.

This is kind of like the previous font, but everything is even straighter and more tidy, without those kind of going up horizontal lines and with the small case "a" being the simpler, more modern one. But if I was to create one similar, I would make the ascenders and descenders have a little bit bigger ratio compared to the x height.

This font is called 01 Digital. Which barely made it into the "Innovative" category. The font is unusual but it doesn't tell any innovativeness about our products. But I chose it mainly for one of the adj I considered This font looks stylish, futuristic, "digital". It kind of have the "tron legacy" feeling to it. It's very cool. It has turned many curved lines to straight lines but a lot of sharp corners into round corners. It also only allow capital letters, but the caped letters will go bold. So it looks in a way strong but gentle (with the round corners). However, what is a little bad is that it has those little confusing short lines. And like the B, and the dot under the m and above the w, that's just confusing.

This font is very simple and looks a little "overdone". But it gives a really quality and simple feeling. By "overdone", I mean, like the "p" doesn't even have the little line on top of the circle. And the small "u" is the same shape as the capitalised one, it doesn't have the small line. And the other thing is that many letters seems to be "connected". It's similarity. A lot of the letter (especially small case) that has any circle in it (even an "e" though it's more obvious for the counters), it is the same perfect round circle. And it makes it even more neat and you kind of put them together. Just the first look it looks very circle-ish and round. It gives a friendly feeling. 

Below is a website that talks about "apple's favourite fonts" and I also like the style of it. So I will also take some ideas from it:
It's simple and easy to read. It has sharp corners and a bit longer than standard. It has a special texture to the apple sign. The fonts look simple. Layout: I think this is a good layout though it's a little formal. There is the apple sign right in the centre placed appropriately (not too high, not too low) in the upper half of the card. And below it says it more detailed which part of the world is it, it's in bold and bigger letters compared to those below. The rest of the text is left alignment. And there is a double-line-space between each information which is a good way to separate them. This card is good, tidy, and formal.
This business card is actually very catchy because of the background and it has similarity with that "galaxy" backgroud. However, I do not like the information to be centred because it kind of conflicts with the title and info just should be more on the sides. Also, the background doesn't really suit my case because I want it to be simple, and the background is quite busy. Also, I think it's lacking contrast, so I'll not take it as a good example for myself
This is a windows business card I believe. And it's cool that it has similarity with the windows os/page. But I'll take it as a not-so-good example because the info side is too crowded, there isn't enough white space. But this card attracts attention well due to the bright colours that contrast with each other. And I should take reference of the colours.

The similarity of the two business cards above is that they have the image/logo/picture on the left. And the information is on the right. I like that a lot because there is a rhythm to it so it looks right and it has a flow to how you will look at the card. But I like the info side of the blue one more because there is a white space above the info and it doesn't take up the whole half page while the other half is empty. The black one I think is tricky if the logo stays that way. Because if it does it like the blue, it would look too empty (as the logo is tiny). But if it is how it is right now, the right half just looks too busy and it isn't balanced. So I think Maybe making the logo a bigger would help. Although, on the other side, I like the black card more. I like how the logo is placed in the centre. And if I have the space I think I would do so too with the same size. I think its size is a very good one because it is a logo, so if you make it too big, it kind of loses proximity when you look at normal distance, and unity is gone. However, too small is not catchy enough and just how can people see it.

Develop a detail design brief:

Our products are kind of similar to Samsung. We sell electronics including washing machines, vacuums, televisions, refrigerators... but we are well-known for our phones and gadgets.  My company name should be SLS (stand for Simply Live Smart). Because "smart" is something human are working towards, and innovative kind of pairs with it. The smarter the more innovative. And putting the simple adjective inside makes it sound more simple, and we make our point clear: Live Smart and we will help you do so. This idea is from LG. SLS takes up about 6%-9% share on the global market of mobile terminals and about 4% share for other products. Kids start to have phones around 8, and some elderly use smart phones ad other gadgets too. But we mainly focus our gadgets on teenagers to 50-year-old people. However, washing machines and refrigerators and essential for all families. We have a wide range of products and their prices can vary 10 times, so low, middle, and high class people use our products. But when using our products, people shall feel cool, stylish and a bit luxurious. Our company is global, but mostly in developed country where people can afford and bother to get a good quality electronic. Our customers and clients will be people that catch up with trend, and value and love technology, and like to seem high class (luxurious, quality). However, everyone needs a phone and house electronics so even if the don't really value these, they'd find the best ones among the same price, or the cheapest among the same quality. I need a business card and a logo. I want people to always pay attention, remember, and recognise my company from it. Standard size with sharp corners. It will be used mainly when I see my clients. The logo should first letters like Sony ericsson and a face kind of thing like LG should be considered. That is my taste. It has to be done around the 13-10-2014. Budget should be around $750.


#feb402 - orange (orange that is a little bit yellow), Means creativeness, confidence, friendliness
#00ccff - Light blue, means smart, loyal, dependable, strong, digital
#acacac - Grey, means professional, authority, practical
They contrast too, grabs attention using one another.
About 63% blue, 30% orange, 7% grey


Modern, neat and tidy