This is my first one when I explored Adobe Photoshop on the first lesson of this unit. I didn't like it as the colour behind is too dark and dim. I don't like the hair as it looks ugly, for me. Also, this whole thing for me is too showing off, especially the words. But it's just a joke kind of thing.
Up till now, I enjoyed. It was really fun and let us use our creativity. We learnt how to crop pictures, add other images, use the eraser and paint brush tool. We learnt how to use the magic wand tool, text... I like it very much!
This may not look as good as the one on the very top. However, this is my very very final one that I just did last week - 23rd of April. For me, the background colour was way better. And the yellow, thick line around me made me much sharper and eye-catching. However, we were actually asked to take away the original photo taken, and it was actually just for reference. And I accidentally deleted my old file somehow, so I had to work on a new one which is pretty much the same. The only main difference you may notice is my head (and that the photo was gone, yes). It is a blue ball which means I am a calm and cool person. The "atom head" make the idea of my interest in Science more obvious. And of course, the shape fits a head, I have a lot more interests than Science.
Nice job Rex! It's great to see that you have made a lot of progress from "your alert! Too much brain power cannot handle" to your "silly self portrait". Keep up the good work!